Saturday, November 27, 2010

Some People are so rude!

OMG! so today at work in walks my arch enemy. This bitch is crazy and trashy as all hell. At one point in time I considered her a friend and even allowed her to rent a room in my house, needless to say things didnt work out. So today, I was at work and in she walks with her sister and I having been raised right said hello and she pretended not to see me! WTF. Who does that?! At this age (mid 20's) one should only naturally expect that people have common manors, I guess she really is just like her mother.
Ok, so now the back story about his bitch and her inability to act like a normal human being. Lets call her Rose. Rose and I had been friends from early elementary school and shared alot of memories together. She was there for me through some really tough times and for those times I'll always be thankful, but in the past year her true colors showed and I came to realize that she has got allot of personal issues that need to be worked on before she can learn to respect herself and others. Rose has literally gone from one person to another using each one along the way, and her own mother has said that she will never be happy. And its true, this poor girl is so prideful and caught up in using drugs that I honestly don't know if she will ever reach a point of maturity, love, and growth needed for a human being to thrive. The amount of psychological issues that she has are intense! She has daddy issues like none other I have ever seen, image issues, denial, habitual lying, drug use, manipulation, and countless others just to name a few. To top it all off she is one of those Bible thumpers that preaches about God left and right and how amazing his love is and how righteous she is and what not but yet is the biggest hypocrite and judges others for things that are not nearly as offensive as her own behavior.
That's it, I would go in depth but this subject only frustrates me. I feel sorry for her, her window of perception only gets smaller and smaller in time, and in the end she will die alone.

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