Last night was an amazing night spent with good friends, food, and inspirational people. The man of the evening was an old environmental biology professor that has spent his life educating and inspiring people of all ages and walks of life the importance of value of our dear mother Earth. He has traveled the world over and has seen all levels of humanity and the effects of human civilization on the earth. People like him are few and far in between. A true person of principal who stands by his word. Though he should be retiring soon he vows to teach until he stops kicking. His passion for life and faith in the human race is something I hope to one day taste. I have never seen him in a bad mood or speak ill of the deserving. Birth and death are not the most important moments in life to him, the right now is. He counts his life in days and moments, not years and material possessions.
So in honor of this amazing man I invited him over last night for dinner and good company, and it turned out great! Being a small world, a good friend, mentor, and client have all taken this mans class years ago...almost 20 plus years ago! And to this day his lessons still resonate with them on the daily. And like any hosting event it did not go without a hint of chaos, besides what type of world would we live in without Murphys Law! lol. Last minute I realized I was short forks, had no napkins, or enough salad. we managed to divert these disasters in the nick of time, and thank God too because we ended up having lasagna for dinner and everyone needed their napkins at one time or another.
The dinner didn't end until almost midnight, and we hope to have another soon! I look up to this man in so many ways, since taking his class a year ago I have really felt a new sense of calling to life, and a need to really leave a positive mark on this Earth with the unknown amount of time we have here. That is what I truly hope to accomplish one day.
I may have no faith in the human race, but like my Professor "if I knew the world were going to end tomorrow, I would still plant my apple seeds today".
You have to keep on trying, because if you don't, then whats the point?
O my goodness, i miss spelled people and didnt even notice!